Registration Form

This form should be filled before your first workshop with us. In case, you have already submitted it for our other workshop, you don't have to do it again.

The information requested below is very important. It will help us to give you more effective support during the group. The information will only be seen by us the Group Facilitators and the Group Organiser.

Thank you. Looking forward to seeing you! 🙂



Tantra Essence

Registration form

* required fields

Your personal information will be processed by Amrita s.r.o [Amrita Ltd.] for the purpose of giving you better support during seminars. Your data is processed in accordance with applicable legal provisions and data protection principles set in GDPR. Data will not be given to any third parties nor published. Your data is secured and protected against misuse or stealing. At your request they can be deleted anytime.
Name and surname*
Name you would like to be called
Date of Birth*
Mobile or Telephone Number
Please give a summary of your experience in meditation and/or self-development groups.
Have you had any previous experience of Tantra? If the answer to this question is Yes, please outline this briefly.
How did you find out about this group?
What are your reasons for coming to this workshop? What are you hoping to learn or discover at this workshop?
The group includes some physically active structures (some meditations and exercises and dancing). Please let us know if this will present any physical difficulties for you.
Please tell us about any health issues and/or infectious diseases you may have. Please also tell us if you are on medication of any kind (please specify).
Please indicate below if you have any history of psychiatric treatments or if you are currently taking any psychiatric medication.
I understand that the group, session, and training processes with Tantra-Essence focus on development of consciousness and individual responsibility. Therefore, I understand that I am responsible and I am invited not to do anything contrary to my values and in opposition to my consciousness.*
I am ready to take full responsibility, even financial, in case of damage to objects or people induced by me.*
I understand and recognise that what happens to me during the group, training or session processes stays under my control and the Tantra-Essence teachers, session givers and organisers are not in any way responsible in the case of eventual physical problems or mental prejudice on my part.*
I understand that I am participating in the processes with Tantra-Essence for my own personal evolution and I agree not to teach the methods developed by Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita and her co-faciliators unless and until I am authorised to do so in writing and under contract by Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita. I understand that the permission to teach may be given only after I have completed the required amount of training and assisting, so that the principles and spirit of the methods are well represented.*
I understand that none of the processes offered by Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita and her co-facilitators takes the place of qualified medical advice and I realize that I am advised to seek such advice if I feel the need for it.*
I am aware that I must not record anything that happens in a Tantra Essence group without the prior permission of the group leaders and possibly also the other group members. This applies to both audio and video recordings.*
By submitting this form I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to the above text.*