Master lover
Tantra for men and women, singles and couples
- 1Please fill in this formAfter submitting you will automatically receive an e-mail with payment information.
- 2Your bookingIs valid after receiving your payment. The deposit is non-refundable.
- 3Booking for you and your partner?Please, select 2x and write a name and e-mail address of your partner in the note section.
- 4Save on bank feesIn case you will be sending money from abroad you can use to lower your transfer costs. Your bank's fees may be much higher. You will receive more information about this option in the confirmation e-mail after submitting your booking.
- 5Looking forward to meeting you! 🙂We have prepared exciting and full on program for you.
Amrita Hanna Slaninková, MBA
Tantra Teacher and therapist